Universal band saw sharpening machine OS-2M
Sharpening machine for sharpening wide band saws up to 240 mm wide. Sharpening machine for sharpening frame saws with stellite files.
Band Saw Sharpening Machine OW-4
OW-4 sharpening machine is designed for professional sharpening of band saws, ensuring accuracy and efficiency of work. The band saw blade sharpening machine for sawmills is easy to use, saws are sharpened with cooling, equipped with a coolant feeder.
Band saw sharpener OWM-4M
The OWM-4M band saw sharpening machine is an efficient equipment for professionals, providing high quality sharpening and ease of use. This machine is able to process band saws, and after installation of additional accessories - also saws for small vertical saws, multi-saw mini-stations, as well as circular saws with a diameter from 100 to 350 mm. The saw sharpening machine is a reliable solution for those who appreciate high precision and durability of the tool.
Bandsaw tooth spreader RWM / RWV
The RWM / RWV band saw tooth splitter is a reliable and efficient tool for maintenance and repair of band saws. The band saw tooth splitter is designed for fast and precise tooth separation, which helps to maintain a high quality cut and prolongs the life of the saw.
RWS band saw tooth spreading machine
The RWS band saw teeth reaming machine is designed for correct, precise, fast reaming of the band saw blade teeth. Separation of the blade teeth takes place after manually pressing the lever. The opposite movement moves the blade to the next tooth.
Automatic machine for teeth sharpening of band saws RWA
The unclamping is done automatically by setting the number of cycles to unclamp the band saw on the digital display, which causes the jaws to clamp on the saw. The teeth are unclamped by carbide plates placed opposite each other. The worker can easily set the desired amount of opening, and by positioning the pusher in the right place, the teeth are opened straight/left/right. Thanks to the use of carbide inserts with a cuboid shape, we can very accurately set the desired opening size. In addition, the carbide inserts, thanks to their wear resistance, ensure repeatability of the opening.
Bandsaw washer MT-5
The MT-5 saw washing machine removes the laborious process of manual cleaning of band saws from resin and dirt. The saw washer cleans mechanically with a set of steel disk brushes. No caustic cleaning agents are used in the cleaning process. A well-cleaned band saw in the saw washer ensures proper maintenance of the band saws, extends their service life, ensures correct reaming of the blade teeth and sharpening of the band saw, thus ensuring further good cutting quality.
Sharpener for frame saw blades with carbides OP-HM
The sharpener OP HM is used to sharpen frame saw blades with carbides teeth. It was created to sharpen the blades used in the PRP-58, WRP-58, WRP-38 frame saw. Is a necessary equipment to saw very hard wood.