Vertical frame saw for log PRP-58
Vertical frame saw PRP 58 for sawing round wood with a small kerf and a high yield of the product. Efficient yield of useful wood after cutting roundwood allows the sawmill to be used for valuable wood species: oak, hornbeam, mahogany and others. The sawmill uses a number of technical innovations: dynamic blade tensioning, special openwork saw design, a device for cutting short logs and mechanization for fast log feeding. This woodworking machine is used in woodworking factories.
Multi-saw machine gater vertical lamella sawmill WRP 38
The WRP-38 sawmill, vertical sawmill, thin kerf sawing machine is designed for cutting workpieces into thin laths, lamellas, as well as for the production of workpieces for the manufacture of fruit crates, etc. The design of the WRP 38 vertical saw guarantees precise cutting quality during operation and reliability of the machine.
Vertical frame sawmill WRP-58
Vertical sawmill is designed for sawing with band frame saws of double edged timber, prisms into the required lumber. It is used as a multi-sawing machine with thinner kerf. The sawmill is equipped with a central lubrication system of frame guides, electronically regulated.