Industrial Band Frame Sawing Machine

  • Band sawmill TTS 800/60 Standart industrial
  • Band sawmill TTS 800/60 Standart industrial
  • Band sawmill TTS 800/60 Standart industrial
  • Band sawmill TTS 800/60 Standart industrial

Band sawmill TTS 800/60 Standart industrial

The machine TTS 800/60 Standart is designed for processing log wood with very high efficiency and accuracy of cutting. One of the most important advantages of the bandsawing machine is the use of guide wheels with a diameter of 800 mm which are the carrier of the cutting belt with a width of 60 mm this type of belt does not require rolling, the process of milling the saw to cut is based on classic sharpening devices. The innovative design of the machine makes it possible to achieve efficiency and quality of sawing similar to wide-belt gangsaws working with a cutting belt of 100mm width, however, operating costs are incomparably lower


  • Industrial mobile band sawmill with hydraulics TTS 800/60 Standart
  • Industrial mobile band sawmill with hydraulics TTS 800/60 Standart
  • Industrial mobile band sawmill with hydraulics TTS 800/60 Standart
  • Industrial mobile band sawmill with hydraulics TTS 800/60 Standart

Industrial mobile band sawmill with hydraulics TTS 800/60 Standart

The mobile band sawmill TTS 800/60 Standart is designed for cutting wood with very high productivity and cutting accuracy. One of the most important advantages of the band saw is the use of spiral-shaped guide wheels with a diameter of 800 mm, which are the carrier of a 60 mm wide cutting band. This type of band does not require rolling, the process of preparing the saw blade for cutting is based on classic sharpening devices. The innovative design of the machine allows to achieve cutting efficiency and quality similar to that of wide band saws with a 100 mm wide cutting band, but the operating costs are incomparably lower.


  • Band saw TTP 600 Premium with hydraulics
  • Band saw TTP 600 Premium with hydraulics
  • Band saw TTP 600 Premium with hydraulics
  • Band saw TTP 600 Premium with hydraulics

Band saw TTP 600 Premium with hydraulics

The TTP 600 Premium band saw is designed for sawing logs in wood processing plants. The sawmill allows to achieve high precision and quality of sawed raw materials, e.g. oak, hornbeam, beech. Band saw with a capacity of up to 20 cubic meters/8 hours.


  • TTP 600 Premium Plus band sawmill with hydraulics
  • TTP 600 Premium Plus band sawmill with hydraulics
  • TTP 600 Premium Plus band sawmill with hydraulics
  • TTP 600 Premium Plus band sawmill with hydraulics
  • TTP 600 Premium Plus band sawmill with hydraulics

TTP 600 Premium Plus band sawmill with hydraulics

Hydraulic band saw TTP 600 Premium Plus with a band width of 50 mm. The original design of the sawmill increases the rigidity of the cutting carriage. The TTP 600 band sawmill is equipped with 720 mm PK guide wheels to ensure precise positioning of the saw blade and maximum service life of the tool. Precise positioning of the carriage on the sawmill is ensured by the ISP-F12 or ISP-10 inverter controller, which allows precise adjustment of the sawn timber to 0.1 mm. Powerful hydraulics on the sawmill for free maneuvering of large logs weighing up to 4 tons with adjustable hydraulic tools. The sawmill is made of solid double-supported closed profiles 200 mm x 120 mm x 5 mm. The cross supports of the substructure are made of CNC machined steel plates measuring 960 mm x 360 mm x 10 mm. The use of cross support plates significantly increases the stability of the sawmill and eliminates the accumulation of sawdust, bark and chips under the log during sawing.


  • Band sawmill mobile TTP-600
  • Band sawmill mobile TTP-600
  • Band sawmill mobile TTP-600
  • Band sawmill mobile TTP-600
  • Band sawmill mobile TTP-600

Band sawmill mobile TTP-600

The TTP 600 band saw on wheels is a high-quality mobile machine for sawing roundwood into sawn timber directly at the processing site. This mobile sawmill is characterized by reliability, high productivity and mobility, which allows easy and fast sawing in all conditions with CE certificate and warranty.


  • Industrial Band Frame Sawing Machine TTS 1200/60 Standart
  • Industrial Band Frame Sawing Machine TTS 1200/60 Standart
  • Industrial Band Frame Sawing Machine TTS 1200/60 Standart
  • Industrial Band Frame Sawing Machine TTS 1200/60 Standart

Industrial Band Frame Sawing Machine TTS 1200/60 Standart

This is a modern machine TTS 1200/60 Standart featuring a very high capacity and accuracy of cutting. One of its most important assets is the use of guiding wheels with a diameter of 800 mm as the carrier of the cutting band with a width of 60 mm. This type of band requires no rolling, and the process of saw preparation prior to cutting is carried out using conventional sharpening equipment. Such a solution combined with the innovative design of the machine allows the achievement of sawing performance and quality similar to wide-band frame sawing machines with a 100 mm wide band. However, operating costs, such as electricity consumption and the price of the band, are incomparably lower.


  • Band sawmill TTP 600 Premium without hydraulics
  • Band sawmill TTP 600 Premium without hydraulics
  • Band sawmill TTP 600 Premium without hydraulics
  • Band sawmill TTP 600 Premium without hydraulics

Band sawmill TTP 600 Premium without hydraulics

The band sawmill TTP 600 Premium is designed for processing logs, mainly for sawmills sawing logs up to 20 m3 / 8 h, as well as for companies requiring high precision and quality of sawed raw materials, e.g. oak, hornbeam, beech.
