Main features
- The circular saws are manufactured
- from high quality steel using laser equipment, which ensures high precision of saw production. All blades are heat treated and rolled, which increases their durability and performance.
- The cutting teeth of the circular saws without soldering
- they are bred and sharpened with the help of automatic equipment, which guarantees excellent performance and precision of sawing. The saws are ready for use and do not require any additional preparation.
- Seating diameter on the circular saw
- 20mm, 30mm, 40, mm, 50mm
- Manufacturing of circular saws
- with additional holes for cooling the saw.
Technical data
- Longitudinal circular saw Walter PZ-010
- Circular saw for crosscutting Walter PZ-110
- Circular saw without soldering 200x30 Z=18
- Thickness of circular saw, mm 1,6 / 2,2
- Circular saw without soldering 200x30 Z=24
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 1,6 / 2,2
- Circular saw without soldering 200x30 Z=40
- Circular saw thickness, mm 1,6 / 2,2
- Circular saw without soldering 250x30 Z=18
- Circular saw thickness, mm 1,6 / 2,2
- Circular saw without soldering 250x30 Z=24
- Thickness of circular saw, mm 1,6 / 2,2
- Circular saw without soldering 250x30 Z=36
- Circular saw thickness, mm 1,6 / 2,2
- Circular saw without soldering 250x30 Z=48
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 2,2
- Circular saw without soldering 300x30 Z=24
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 2,2 / 2,8
- Circular saw without soldering 300x30 Z=36
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 2,2 / 2,8
- Circular saw without soldering 300x30 Z=54
- Circular saw thickness, mm 2,2 / 2,8
- Circular saw without soldering 350x30 Z=24
- Thickness of circular saw, mm 2,5 / 3,2
- Circular saw without soldering 350x30 Z=36
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 2,5 / 3,2
- Circular saw without soldering 350x30 Z=60
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 2,5 / 3,2
- Circular saw without soldering 400x30 Z=24
- Thickness of circular saw, mm 2,8 / 3,2
- Circular saw without soldering 400x30 Z=36
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 2,8 / 3,2
- Circular saw without soldering 400x30 Z=60
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 2,8 / 3,2
- Circular saw without soldering 450x30 Z=36
- Circular saw thickness, mm 2,8 / 3,2
- Circular saw without soldering 450x30 Z=60
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 2,8 / 3,2
- Circular saw without solder 500x30 Z=24
- Thickness of circular saw, mm 3,2 / 3,5
- Circular saw without soldering 500x30 Z=60
- Circular saw thickness, mm 3,2 / 3,5
- Circular saw without soldering 550x30 Z=36
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 3,6
- Circular saw without soldering 550x30 Z=60
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 3,6
- Circular saw without soldering 600x30 Z=36
- Thickness of circular saw, mm 4,1
- Circular saw without soldering 600x30 Z=60
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 4,1
- Circular saw without soldering 630x30 Z=36
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 4,1
- Circular saw without soldering 630x30 Z=60
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 4,1
- Circular saw without soldering 700x40 Z=36
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 4,1
- Circular saw without soldering 700x40 Z=60
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 4,1
Main features
- The circular saws are manufactured
- from high quality steel using laser equipment, which ensures high precision of saw production. All blades are heat treated and rolled, which increases their durability and performance.
- The cutting teeth of the circular saws without soldering
- they are bred and sharpened with the help of automatic equipment, which guarantees excellent performance and precision of sawing. The saws are ready for use and do not require any additional preparation.
- Seating diameter on the circular saw
- 20mm, 30mm, 40, mm, 50mm
- Manufacturing of circular saws
- with additional holes for cooling the saw.
Technical data
- Longitudinal circular saw Walter PZ-010
- Circular saw for crosscutting Walter PZ-110
- Circular saw without soldering 200x30 Z=18
- Thickness of circular saw, mm 1,6 / 2,2
- Circular saw without soldering 200x30 Z=24
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 1,6 / 2,2
- Circular saw without soldering 200x30 Z=40
- Circular saw thickness, mm 1,6 / 2,2
- Circular saw without soldering 250x30 Z=18
- Circular saw thickness, mm 1,6 / 2,2
- Circular saw without soldering 250x30 Z=24
- Thickness of circular saw, mm 1,6 / 2,2
- Circular saw without soldering 250x30 Z=36
- Circular saw thickness, mm 1,6 / 2,2
- Circular saw without soldering 250x30 Z=48
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 2,2
- Circular saw without soldering 300x30 Z=24
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 2,2 / 2,8
- Circular saw without soldering 300x30 Z=36
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 2,2 / 2,8
- Circular saw without soldering 300x30 Z=54
- Circular saw thickness, mm 2,2 / 2,8
- Circular saw without soldering 350x30 Z=24
- Thickness of circular saw, mm 2,5 / 3,2
- Circular saw without soldering 350x30 Z=36
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 2,5 / 3,2
- Circular saw without soldering 350x30 Z=60
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 2,5 / 3,2
- Circular saw without soldering 400x30 Z=24
- Thickness of circular saw, mm 2,8 / 3,2
- Circular saw without soldering 400x30 Z=36
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 2,8 / 3,2
- Circular saw without soldering 400x30 Z=60
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 2,8 / 3,2
- Circular saw without soldering 450x30 Z=36
- Circular saw thickness, mm 2,8 / 3,2
- Circular saw without soldering 450x30 Z=60
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 2,8 / 3,2
- Circular saw without solder 500x30 Z=24
- Thickness of circular saw, mm 3,2 / 3,5
- Circular saw without soldering 500x30 Z=60
- Circular saw thickness, mm 3,2 / 3,5
- Circular saw without soldering 550x30 Z=36
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 3,6
- Circular saw without soldering 550x30 Z=60
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 3,6
- Circular saw without soldering 600x30 Z=36
- Thickness of circular saw, mm 4,1
- Circular saw without soldering 600x30 Z=60
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 4,1
- Circular saw without soldering 630x30 Z=36
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 4,1
- Circular saw without soldering 630x30 Z=60
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 4,1
- Circular saw without soldering 700x40 Z=36
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 4,1
- Circular saw without soldering 700x40 Z=60
- Circular saw blade thickness, mm 4,1
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Pavlo Nesterov
Krosno, Gen. Sikorskiego 32/56
+48 574 381 456
+38 097 404 00 07